I’ve been in Italy for about a week now and have been thoroughly enjoying myself, but since I waited so long now I have really try hard to remember when I ate what, but here I go.
I guess I should include the time I spent in the airports and flying since it is all part of the trip. Anyway, everyone from the group was to meet at the airport at two for a five thirty flight, even with security and pre-boarding we had two maybe two and a half hours to just sit and wait, which meant most of us ended up getting fast food to eat while we waited, I ended up getting Sbarro. Which if you’ve ever seen one you know is pretty much just as cheap and unimpressive as you would expect, but since its in an airport they can crank up they price like thirty percent, not unexpected but annoying still the same.
So when we finally got on the plane I knew that we would get something in flight but based on my experiences with domestic airlines I expected little more than a sandwich at best. Airfrance absolutely surpassed my expectations with a stew-like beef dish with peas, carrots, and potatoes. This came with salmon and couscous, bread, cheese, pudding, and a piece of cake with cranberry if I recall correctly, as well as a decent red wine. Since it was an overnight flight they also provided a breakfast, the exact contents of which I can no longer recall, however I due recall it being decent.
Even on the small connector flight that took us from Paris to Verona there was a selection of pastries from which to choose. However more noteworthy was the terminal that we waited in while in Paris, since we were on a smaller flight we were essentially waiting in a bus terminal, were the bus took us to our plane on the tarmac. That aside the thing that really amused me was that they had a game station setup to keep kids entertain during long waits, but on the sides was a caricature of what I can only assume is supposed to be a flight control tower, but rather than appear cute or whimsical it was just creepy looking, and they put it all over I think it was a mascot or something but it stayed creepy looking to me.
So we eventually get to Verona and we’re all exhausted due to jetlag but we’re told we can’t sleep till 21:00 or else it will mess with our system and it’ll be near impossible to adjust. So they show us our rooms, give a bunch of information, take us on a tour of the city, blah, blah, blah. We were all dead on our feet, but eventually we’re set free and a bunch of us decide to go to the pizzeria across from our classroom/meeting spot. God was that ever good, I got the most basic pizza they had, bread, sauce, garlic, oregano, and no cheese with a liter of mineral water, and it was still amazing. Sorry to any one from Chi-town but around here thin is where it’s at and this pizza had it, it had a great crispy crust and I added a little chili pepper to it, which rather than just being a shaker of crushed red pepper was a bottle of oil with the pepper inside. After that I slept like the dead.
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